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Taking Control of Your Home: Smart Switches and Controllers

Smart Touch Switch - ABS - Tuya/ZigBee

Introduction into Smart Switches and Controllers

The convenience of a smart home is undeniable. Imagine turning on lights with your voice, setting schedules for lights, pumps and appliances, and creating custom lighting scenes with just a tap. This magic is powered by smart switches and controllers, transforming your ordinary home into an automated haven. A typical smart home requires some smart devices such as smart switches, bulbs, sensors and a controller. The controller is the brains of your smart home. It can reside in your home or in the cloud – with obvious pros and cons for each method.

Taking Control of Your Home: Smart Switches and Controllers
Taking Control of Your Home with Smart Switches and Controllers

Home Automation Networks

There are two main communication protocols used in smart home devices: Wi-Fi and Zigbee. Each offers distinct advantages and disadvantages:

Wi-Fi: The Familiar Choice


  • Wide compatibility: Wi-Fi connects directly to your existing router, offering broad compatibility with a vast range of smart switches and controllers.
  • Fast speeds: Wi-Fi boasts superior data transfer speeds, ideal for devices that require real-time updates or high bandwidth, like smart speakers with voice assistants. However, for switches, the bandwidth is moot because switches require on and off commands which take a few bytes – this bandwidth requirement is minuscule compared to what’s available in modern Wi-Fi networks.


  • Power hungry: Wi-Fi constantly searches for a connection, draining battery life in battery-powered smart switches.
  • Network congestion: A crowded Wi-Fi network can lead to sluggish performance for your smart home devices.
  • Security concerns: Some Wi-Fi smart switches require complex setups, potentially introducing security vulnerabilities.
  • Access Points Galore: You’ll need multiple access points to provide good coverage for your entire home. Lack of good coverage will lead to sluggish or lack of response from your smart home devices.

Zigbee: The Mesh Maestro


  • Low power consumption: Zigbee is designed for low-power communication, making it ideal for battery-powered devices like motion sensors and door locks.
  • Mesh network: Zigbee devices create a mesh network, where some devices can act as repeaters, extending the range and improving overall reliability.
  • Strong security: Zigbee uses robust encryption protocols, offering enhanced security compared to some Wi-Fi setups.


  • Limited compatibility: Zigbee requires a dedicated hub to connect to your smartphone, potentially limiting device options.
  • Slower speeds: Zigbee prioritizes low power consumption over blazing-fast speeds, making it less suitable for bandwidth-intensive devices.
Example of a ZigBee Mesh network
Example of a ZigBee Mesh Network

Choosing the Right Protocol:

For a starter smart home with limited devices, Wi-Fi might be sufficient. However, if you plan on building a network of sensors and battery-powered switches, Zigbee’s efficiency and mesh networking make it a compelling choice. In either case, you might want to have a smart home controller to enable you to quickly access devices or routines. The bulk of smart home controllers do include a Zigbee and bluetooth gateway.

Smart Lighting Devices

Smart Switches: Power at Your Fingertips

Smart switches replace traditional light switches, allowing you to control lights remotely and schedule automated actions.They come in various styles, including dimmers and multi-way switches. The most important factors to consider prior to migrating to smart switches are:

  1. Neutral or Not: Find out whether you have a neutral wire at the switch. Smart switches typically require neutral wires at the switch – because they need to sip some electricity to power on their radios. If you do have neutral, you are golden. If not, don’t despair, some smart switches can work with live only. Do make sure you state whether you have neutral or live prior to purchasing a smart switch
  2. Zigbee or Wi-Fi: The choice for the wireless protocol depends on what you may already have at home and your future prospects. If you have an expansive home or you will have many devices, Zigbee may make sense since it doesn’t require access points, however, it does require a local controller (coordinating device). On the other hand, Wi-Fi can operate with a cloud controller for Tuya devices. This means that you can put a Wi-Fi switch or other device in your home, pair it with your Tuya account and control it from your phone locally or remotely – with a hard requirement on having Internet to control the device. You can mitigate this by having a local controller so that you can still operate your network in case you lose Internet connectivity.
  3. Total Load: As with any other switch, the total load (Watts) behind the switch can influence the longevity of your device. An excessively large load will lead to arcing in the switching contacts and eventual failure. Do try to keep your load within the design specifications stated by the manufacturer. Typical max load range for switches are 400-800W total load. Higher rated switches exist for boilers that can be rated to up-to 40Amps
  4. Ways & Intermediates: Modern smart switches can significantly reduce your total wiring expense by eliminating strappers and intermediate switches. It’s not unheard for a new house to save between KES 100,000 (~ USD 1000) and KES 300,000 (~ USD 3000) in wiring costs. This significant saving will pay for a new smart home implementation and still leave you with some savings.
  5. Remote Control: Remotely controlling your switches – away from home – requires Internet connectivity. Stability of this Internet connectivity is key to having consistent automations especially if you elect to have a Wi-Fi home automation solution that depends on cloud automation.
  6. Intelligence: Pair your smart switches with smart sensors and you can have lights turning on and off automatically based on sensor readings. Put a human presence sensor on a staircase or corridor and automatically turn on lights without manually interacting with the switch.
  7. Versatility: Some smart switches – such as this rotary dimmer and switch – are portable and you can carry them to the couch or bedroom and dim, brighten or turn off lights over a room or your entire home with a single click or rotation. Perfect for dimming the living room prior to watching a movie.
smart switch with touch screen
A configurable touch screen smart switch
Remote Control of a switch from a controller or Phone
Remote Control of a switch from a Controller and Phone

Smart Controllers: The Brains of the Operation

Smart controllers, often called hubs, act as the central communication point for your smart home devices. These hubs connect to your router and bridge the gap between your smartphone app and your smart switches, lights, and other devices. They connect to your home Internet infrastructure over Wi-Fi or ethernet and to your smart home devices of Wi-Fi, Zigbee and bluetooth. They typically fit over a standard 86mm pattress box (single box) and will require live and neutral for operation. The main difference between controllers is

1. Functionality – Smart controllers come with different capabilities depending on price point. Some will have speaker outlets for overhead music, full android experience – to load any android app, microphone and camera for full intercom functionality.

2. Size – Smart home controllers will start from small LAN gateways to very large 12 inch tablets.

3. Operating Software: Control panels come from different manufacturers loaded with all kinds of software. The control panel field is very vibrant with devices from different manufactures such as Amazon Alexa devices, Tuya Control Panels, Samsung Smart things and open source alternatives.

A smart home control panel
Smart home control panel

Exploring the Possibilities:

Smart switches and controllers unlock a world of possibilities. Set automated lighting to mimic sunrise and sunset,create custom scenes for different moods, and even control your lights with voice commands through smart speakers.

Security and Integration:

Smart switches and controllers can enhance security by allowing you to control lights remotely, giving the illusion of someone being home. Additionally, many smart home systems integrate with popular voice assistants, offering even more convenience.

The Future is Bright (and Smart!)

Smart home technology is constantly evolving, offering new features and functionalities. With smart switches and controllers, you can create a personalized and automated home environment that reflects your lifestyle and preferences.Whether you choose Wi-Fi or Zigbee, the benefits of a smart home are undeniable, bringing convenience, efficiency, and a touch of magic to your everyday life.

I am interested, What next?

Give us a call on +254 752 03 03 03, email us using contact@incredible.co.ke or use our contact form to start on your incredible journey to a smart home system. We typically respond within 24 hours. We have wholesale prices and accounts for resellers available on request. We have the in-house expertise to help you design, purchase and execute your project with confidence. We have executed a variety of smart home projects across East Africa. You are in good hands.


What does a smart switch do?

A smart switch is an electronic device with some intelligence and connectivity to allow remote control. A smart switch can be remotely turned on and off, configured to switch on and off using a schedule and can use inbuilt timers to switch themselves off after a period of time has elapsed.

What is the best use of smart switches?

The best use of smart switches is to control your home lighting to
1. Save electricity by auto turning off lights and appliances such as boilers.
2. Provide extra security by switching lights on and off to emulate occupancy
3. Automate outdoor security lights on a schedule.
4. Pair them with sensors to automate lighting – such as automatically light a corridor on sensing a person.

Do smart switches need Wi-Fi?

No, you can have smart switches that use ZigBee. Whether to use ZigBee or Wi-FI depends on a range of factors covered in this document.

Smart lock



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